Universal Pictures
Susan Stroman (Director)
Role: Lead Tenor
With his hair dyed a striking blond and dressed as a Nazi Storm Trooper, John led the iconic 'Springtime For Hitler' number in the Mel Brooks/Susan Stroman musical of The Producers, adapted from Brooks' original film and the stage musical.
In his first autobiography, Anything Goes, John describes how he was offered the role:
"Mel Brooks and Susan Stroman had come to see me in Trevor Nunn's revival of Anything Goes at the National Theatre on London's South Bank. In my dressing room after the performance, they'd asked if I'd be interested in taking the lead tenor role in the song 'Springtime for Hitler' in the upcoming film of the hit Broadway show The Producers, which Stroman was directing. I agreed immediately - partly because I'd been a fan of Brooks for years, especially Young Frankenstein. Once, during a long plane trip back to Scotland from America, Carole [Barrowman] and I had recited entire scenes from that movie, much to the annoyance of most of the passengers around us."