Robin Hood - Press Launch
29 JUNE 2009: "It's got action, it's got romance, it's got ice skating - in the middle of Sherwood Forest!"
John Barrowman is a long way from Sherwood Forest. He's sitting on a horse in the grounds of Cardiff Castle in the bright June sunshine to launch his Christmas show, with tourists, builders and an excited school group looking on!
Ticket sales for Robin Hood: The Pantomime Adventure, which opens on 12 December at The New Theatre, Cardiff, are already rocketing. They look likely to overtake the box office record John set in 2006 when he appeared here as Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk.
Accompanied to the launch by his own Maid Marion (his mum, Marion Barrowman), manager Gavin Barker, and pantomime supremo Paul Elliott, John is sure his audiences will get their money's worth.
"They will have one of the best nights of entertainment they've had in a long time!"